Dive courses for beginner
So where should you start with diving courses?

Diving courses for beginner
This is a short overview into the teaching system and the dive courses for beginner you could do to become a diver and develop deeper understanding and skills in diving. There is no need to jump into the “cold water” right away. You can start slowly to test if diving is something you would like to do more and gain more knowledge. If you would like to do so I would recommend the Bubble Maker for children from 8 to 10 years old or for anybody above 10 years the Discover Scuba diver also called Try Dive. Both dive programs do not include a certification but a scuba dive resignation and a registration with SSI that you did the program. The next step would than be a real course with a certification at the end. This course is called Open Water Course or Beginner Course.
The dive course for beginner – Open Water Course
is academic intense and teaches you everything you need to know to become a responsible safe diver. Besides the 2 mornings in the classroom you spend 2 afternoon and 1 morning on the boat to practice your water skills. Main focus on this and every other course conducted by Dive Point is obviously fun and safety Your professional scuba dive instructor will slowly and calmly teach you all the skills you need to enjoy the underwater world in a fun dive after your course. We promise you a lot of fun, many new experiences and exiting new things. Enjoy the feeling of being weightless under water.
What next?
We would highly recommend to look into hardeing you knowlage and diving skills by looking into advanced and specailty courses.
More information to advance courses see the advanced diving courses page.